First Christian Church Sermon Podcast
Welcome to the weekly sermon podcast of First Christian Church (located in Canton, Ohio). We exist to help people find hope, experience community, and live with purpose as we reach out with unconditional love to all people and lead them to be all in disciples of Jesus. To learn more, visit www.firstchristian.com. For more content and conversation, check out the "All For The One" podcast by visiting firstchristian.com/podcasts!
First Christian Church Sermon Podcast
Battle Plans, Part 4: "Angels" // Bryan Shelley
About This Series
What you see is not all there is. The Bible says, "We are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world..." (Ephesians 6:12). Join us as we study spiritual warfare, angels, demons and the Holy Spirit. Together we'll reveal the what’s happening behind the scenes, and discover the comfort and confidence of knowing that God is fighting for us.
This Week's Episode
This weekend, Pastor Bryan teaches us that in the midst of spiritual battle, God surrounds us with angels as warriors and messengers of God who fight for us.
Ready For More?
- Check out firstchristian.com for opportunities to connect and grow.
- We'd love to see you this coming Sunday on-campus or streaming online at 9 and 11am.
- Follow @fcccanton on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay connected!