First Christian Church Sermon Podcast
Welcome to the weekly sermon podcast of First Christian Church (located in Canton, Ohio). We exist to help people find hope, experience community, and live with purpose as we reach out with unconditional love to all people and lead them to be all in disciples of Jesus. To learn more, visit www.firstchristian.com. For more content and conversation, check out the "All For The One" podcast by visiting firstchristian.com/podcasts!
First Christian Church Sermon Podcast
Unbreakable, Part 3: "Unbreakable Honesty" // Bryan Shelley
About This Series
Captured as a young man and taken to Babylon, Daniel and his friends found themselves immersed in a foreign culture that challenged their convictions in every way, yet they remained steadfast in their devotion to God. They refused to abandon their beliefs, even when faced with angry kings, fiery furnaces and hungry lions. In this series, you will be inspired by their stories to stand strong in a world that will challenge our faith, and you will be encouraged by the promise that you are never alone, even in the most difficult moments.
This Week's Episode
It’s not always easy to tell people the whole truth, especially when you know it’s not what they want to hear. But through this part of Daniel’s story, God shows us that sometimes the best way we can honor someone is by being honest with them, and they will ultimately be grateful.
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- Check out firstchristian.com to find opportunities to connect and grow.
- We'd love to see you this coming Sunday on-campus or streaming online at 9 and 11am.
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