First Christian Church Sermon Podcast
Welcome to the weekly sermon podcast of First Christian Church (located in Canton, Ohio). We exist to help people find hope, experience community, and live with purpose as we reach out with unconditional love to all people and lead them to be all in disciples of Jesus. To learn more, visit For more content and conversation, check out the "All For The One" podcast by visiting!
First Christian Church Sermon Podcast
Reframing Jesus, Part 3: "The Savior of All People" // Bryan Shelley
About This Series
Many people in first-century Israel had expectations that the Promised One would be a conquering king, a strict enforcer, or a political liberator. But Jesus shattered these assumptions, revealing Himself as a humble servant, a compassionate healer, and a friend to the outcast. Two thousand years later, many people still misunderstand who Jesus truly is. This Christmas, we’ll explore common misconceptions about the Messiah and uncover the powerful truths of His mission, offering a fresh perspective on the Savior who defied expectations and changed the world.
This Week's Episode
Many Jews believed the Messiah would come solely for the Jewish people and their nation. But the truth is that Jesus came to offer salvation to all people, regardless of ethnicity or nationality, fulfilling God’s promise to bless all nations through Abraham.
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