First Christian Church Sermon Podcast

All the Marbles, Part 2: "Eyes on the Prize" // Bryan Shelley

Bryan Shelley Season 6 Episode 6

About This Series
What if we really believed that every one of us has within us the ability to change the world? That might sound crazy, but the truth is that the strength, resources, courage you need to make a difference is available to you. God is ready to unleash a spirit of courage and generosity in and through you. In this series, we’ll explore how, by simply saying “yes” to God’s invitation to partner with Him in the work He’s doing in the world, we can be people who spark change and leave a lasting impact that will continue beyond our lives.

This Week's Episode
For many of us, life is a series of carrots that dangle in front of us, and we spend years and years chasing those carrots often to no avail. We strive to accomplish our goals, climb the ladder, accumulate wealth and possessions, achieve notoriety… and in the end, we’ll find that those things are fleeting and that true fulfillment can’t be found in them. Instead, we are called to be people who live with “eternity eyes”, keeping the big picture in mind and living in light of the truth that what we are and what we have in this world will pass, but in Jesus we can find eternal joy.

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