First Christian Church Sermon Podcast

Cleaning Out My Closet, Part 4: "A Seat at the Table" // Jimmy McLoud

Jimmy McLoud Season 6 Episode 12

About This Series
"Cleaning Out My Closet" is a sermon series focused on dealing with personal struggles and overcoming past disappointments and failures. Through the life of King David, we’ll explore how to confront the giants in our lives, acknowledge our mistakes, seek healing through confession, and embrace the power of God’s forgiveness. Just as David found freedom and restoration, we’ll learn how to let go of the baggage that weighs us down and step into the purpose God has for each of us. Join us as we dive into the process of healing and discover the path to true freedom in Christ.

This Week's Episode
Through David’s kindness to Mephibosheth, we see a picture of God’s mercy for all people. Regardless of past wounds, present conditions, or future worries, this final week reminds us that God offers us a seat at His table as part of His family.

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